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Restorative Practices for Caring Communities empowers, strengthens and heals communities by facilitating alternative solutions to conflict or harm. The Navigating Justice program applies core principles of inclusion and collaboration to engage all stakeholders in the resolution of communal division or wrongdoing. Navigating Justice brings together victims, offenders, family members, concerned citizens, law enforcement personnel and the justice sector.


The Navigating Justice program addresses a wide range of community concerns: racial tensions, religious intolerance, bullying, domestic violence, vandalism, drug or gang activity, and workplace harassment. Navigating Justice teams work with local communities to design and implement sustainable restorative practices. They assist in identifying stakeholders, communicating with victims and offenders, facilitating dialogue, and negotiating outcomes.


The Navigating Justice program complements legal and criminal justice systems by revitalizing whole-of-society commitment to safe, healthy, caring communities. The restorative justice framework builds trust by repairing the harm caused to the community. It restores dignity by giving victims a voice in the restitution process. It improves public safety by addressing the underlying causes of delinquent behavior and creating avenues for positive citizen engagement. It promotes rehabilitation by confronting offenders with the impact of their actions and instilling responsibility for their harmful choices. It reduces recidivism by reintegrating the offender into the community as a valuable, contributing member of society. And when necessary, it changes the system that contributed to the harm.

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